
Sundays For Year 6 - Year 11

Here at St Mark’s Church, we are here to help young people to understand faith and explore what it means to them, whilst becoming a part of our church community. Whether you are new to church, unsure about being a Christian or looking around. You are very welcome to come and join in with any of our activities.


We all know that preteen and teenager years can be the best years of our life. However they can be particularly hard and can come with challenges, pressures and expectations which can alter how we are feeling. Our team want to encourage and support young people through whatever they are facing using scripture and activities to support their journey through faith. 


Beacon is our weekly Sunday morning meeting at our 10.30 service. In these meetings we explore scripture through various teachings and activities. We enjoy sports and games, so we will often have a sports activity or an active game to celebrate and get our bodies moving. We also create a space for refreshments, a time to discuss and pray for things that we would like to share together. We have a social once a term, to connect and have fun together at different locations. 


If we have sparked any interest in what we are doing or you would like to come and hang out with us. Please come and visit us! We love talking about Jesus but ultimately we want to come alongside young people and their families to support them in whatever season they are facing. 

Connect Youth Club

For years 6 -9

We meet on Thursdays (during term time) from 4.15pm - 5.30pm. Connect gives young people an opportunity to meet current or new friends in a safe place. We have various activities available such as crafts, a chill out area, ball games in the garden, food crafts and big sports equipment (pool table, air hockey, pool table). We also offer snacks which differ each week. It is free to attend and anyone in year 6, 7, 8 and 9 are very welcome.

A parent/carer consent form will need to be filled out for each young person attending.

Socials & Summer Camps

We view socials as an important part of building a good, fun community with our young people! We do various outings, ranging from Top Golf to trampolining. Recently we’ve been to Satellites camp over the summer, we have had breakfast together and we also get involved in local youth events.

Socials are always great opportunity to invite friends along - we always want our youth events to be a friendly and welcoming place for all!

Contact our Youth Minister Shannon for any further information.