
We are delighted that you have visited St Mark’s website and we hope that you find everything that you need.

St Mark’s church is described as a loving, active charismatic evangelical church located in Colney Heath. The Church is part of the Church of England, located on the suburban outskirts of St Albans.

You are most welcome to visit us and join in on our journey of discovering more about Jesus and growing as community and disciples together.

Church Lane
Colney Heath

Eight Thirty
- 8.30am - 9.30am
Holy Communion
Ten Thirty - 10.30am - 11.30am
Morning Worship


SAFEGUARDING - Safeguarding is a responsibility of us ALL. The Parish of St Mark’s Church, Colney Heath is committed to following government and church of England guidelines on best and safe working practices of children, vulnerable adults, employees and all. [here]

St Mark’s relies on the generous volunteering and donations of its members.

The simplest way to make a regular donation or one off financial gifts is via online banking directly from your bank account to ours.

Our bank account details are:
PCC St Mark’s Colney Heath

- Barclays Bank-
Sort Code: 20-74-09
Account number: 70567159